Merchant Registration

Welcome Merchants to Stierbach’s Holiday Faire!

Start your pre-registration here!

Your Merchant Co-ordinator this year is Baroness Genefe Wölfelin.
Please contact Baroness Genefe with your questions or concerns.

Baroness Genefe Wölfelin

Refund Policy

For events sponsored by the Barony, Event Refunds shall be provided as follows:  Site or NMR fees will be refunded if a request for cancellation is received before the event registration closes. The Exchequer must receive refund requests in writing (email is acceptable).  Feast refund will be provided if the feast spot was resold to another attendee. Complimentary or waived items will be refunded upon request. For example, individuals who paid for feast and later become servers who are entitled to complementary or waived feast.  Other fees may be refunded based upon a decision by the Financial Committee. 

All refunds shall be paid by check from the Barony of Stierbach checking account.  No refund shall be issued until the event books have been closed and all reservation checks have cleared.  No refund shall be issued if the event has not made a profit. This policy may be waived by unanimous vote of the Baronial Financial Committee in cases of event cancellation or other extreme circumstances, provided that such action does not put the Barony in financial jeopardy.